Churchville-Chili CSD Breaks Ground on $55.6M Project

The Churchville-Chili School District recently broke ground — and smashed walls — on a three-year multiphased $55.6 million capital improvement project that was approved by voters in December 2008. District administrators, Board of Education members, and officials from Campus CMG and SEI Design Group put shovels to the earth and a sledgehammer to the wall of the Middle School's gym C to kick off the next phase of the project.
"This project is the result of hundreds of hours of planning and preparation to create the kind of 21st century school our students need and deserve," said Churchville-Chili Superintendent Pam Kissel. "This is not just construction; it is an investment in the future of our children and the entire Churchville-Chili community that is needed now more than ever."
PROJECTS: Churchville-Chili CSD
GATES-CHILI POST: Big changes in store for Churchville-Chili schools