2025 News Archives

District students and families eagerly dive into school's cool new waters.

Wayland-Cohocton school officials, students and families cut the ribbon on a newly renovated swimming pool this week. "The school and community are excited about having this much-used facility open... READ FULL STORY

Area schools kick off the new season with a facelift.

Many Rochester and Buffalo area school districts are beginning the new school year with a facelift and some highly anticipated upgrades to their facilities. Campus Construction Management Group Inc. (Campus CMG), one... READ FULL STORY

Athletic facilities, elementary school, and bus garage get a welcome overhaul.

Campus CMG project managers Mark Voorhees and Melissa... READ FULL STORY

A Ground Breaking Ceremony took place at the site of a new Library Media Center at the Pembroke Jr./Sr. High School. The addition is part of the $25M Capital Project for the District. The ceremony took place on the evening of June 9, 2009. Among the attendees at the Pembroke CSD Ground Breaking... READ FULL STORY

Campus CMG participated in the 10th Grade Career Day for the Caledonia–Mumford CSD students, we were one of 12 industries represented to give an overview of the Construction Industry in general including all the employment opportunities. We covered all the different career positions in... READ FULL STORY

A Ground Breaking Ceremony took place at the site of a new Science Wing at the Oswego City School District High School.  This is part of Phase 1B of the $48M 2007 EXCEL Capital Project for the District.  The ceremony took place on the morning of April 20, 2009.

Among the attendees were: ... READ FULL STORY

As published in The Buffalo News, by Janice L. Habuda, News Staff Reporter

A Rochester firm, with a branch office and plenty of experience locally, will oversee at least the first wave of renovations to buildings in the Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda School District.

